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Update Minggu, 22 Desember 2013 at 10.49. Dalam topik Jayapura

Lowongan Kerja di kota Jayapura SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER FOR STRUCTURAL INTERVENTION Desember 2013 - Dihari ini saya selaku penulisa dan admin blog ini akan mengabarkan sebuah informasi yang banyak orang butuhkan hampir setiap hari pasti banyak yang mencarinya yaitu info lowongan kerja. Siapa yang tidak butuh pekerjaan, untuk mengasilakan uang adalah dengan bekerja maka dari itu bagi anda yang belum bekerja coba baca artikel saya kali ini mungkin bisa membantu anda.

Berikut ini ada perusahan di kota Jayapura yang sedang mencari tenaga kerja sebagai SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER FOR STRUCTURAL INTERVENTION Jayapura, untuk anda jika benar berminat silahkan baca secara detail infomasi yang disediakan disini.



AusAID funded HIV Cooperation Program for Indonesia
Position based in Jayapura

GRM International in collaboration with the Burnet Institute is the managing contractor for the HIV Cooperation Program for Indonesia (HCPI), the largest component of the Australia Indonesia Partnership for HIV.

 HCPI is seeking applications from suitably qualified individuals for the position of Senior Technical Officer for Structural Intervention Papua. The position will be locally engaged and based in Jayapura. With support and supervision from the Adviser Prevention and Health Promotion, the Senior Technical Officer will be responsible for:
  • Assisting the Provincial AIDS Commissions and District AIDS Commissions of Papua and West Papua, including their sectoral and civil society members, to identify, develop and utilize policies, mechanisms and systems that can impact positively on the reduction of HIV infections and       the prevention of HIV and AIDS in Papua and West Papua.
  • Providing technical assistance and support for HCPI counterparts and grant partners in both Papua and West Papua in the development and implementation of appropriate strategies to address contextual factors that influence vulnerability HIV.
  • Assisting in the provision of technical assistance to both government and non-government organizations aiming to prevent the spread of HIV, particularly regarding behavior change communications.
  • Assisting in the coordination and monitoring of progress of project activities and project partner performance in the provinces, and
  • Providing input to project reports as required.
Interested candidates for the position should have the following qualifications and experience:
  • Minimum S1 Degree in Social Sciences or equivalent qualification
  • A high level of understanding of sectoral policies, mechanisms and systems with some experience in the development of policies and mechanisms for implementation
  • A general understanding of all aspects of HIV and AIDS, STI programming
and an understanding and/or experience of the role of a supportive environment in behavior change
  • Experience in working with government agencies for donor programs
  • A capacity to work with both government and non-government sectors
  • Experience in networking, liaison, training, institutional strengthening and monitoring
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Good computer skills
  • Ability to work in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. 
To register your interest, please submit a cover letter addressing the essential criteria and CV to : recruitment@hcpi.or.id

Itu dari Lowongan Kerja SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER FOR STRUCTURAL INTERVENTION Jayapura Desember 2013 Jayapura yang bisa saya berikan semoga anda dapat segera mendapatkan kerja sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan.

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